Migratory News

All the news about immigration law in the United States, written by the legal experts at Urbina Immigration Law.

Once the T visa is approved, is it possible to travel?

viajar con visa T

The T status status is a special immigration remedy to assist victims of human trafficking. This allows both the possibility to live legally in the country and apply for permanent residency. But, is it possible to travel with a T visa? Today we will see everything you need to know to avoid compromising your immigration […]

Once the T visa is approved, is it possible to travel? Read More »

Tax Obligations for Immigrants in the USA: Everything you need to know

los inmigrantes pagan impuestos en USA

One of the immigration myths in the community holds that migrants should not pay or file taxes. However, immigrants pay U.S. taxes as for any U.S. citizen or resident. That’s why today we’ll look at everything you need to know about your tax obligations. Remember that not paying taxes is a serious crime. This can

Tax Obligations for Immigrants in the USA: Everything you need to know Read More »

Immigration fraud: know its implications

fraude migratorio

We have already seen the immigration scams and how to prevent them. But there is another serious immigration crime that is sadly common: immigration fraud. However, many times by mistake, omission or lack of information, some migrants commit “fraud” without bad faith. For this reason, today we will see what immigration fraud is, its penalties,

Immigration fraud: know its implications Read More »

How to recognize and prevent scams in immigration procedures

estafa migratoria

Desperation or lack of knowledge often leads many migrants to fall into the hands of immigration scmamers. They take advantage of migrants by taking their money, hindering their migration process, and even stealing their identity. Therefore, today we will see how to avoid immigration scams. A professional immigration attorney can assist you at every step

How to recognize and prevent scams in immigration procedures Read More »

Can I arrange papers if I have a voluntary departure in the U.S.?

puedo arreglar papeles si tengo una salida voluntaria

The voluntary departure from the United States is a great resource to avoid the penalties of deportation. Can I arrange papers if I have a voluntary departure from the U.S.? How do I legally re-enter the country? Today we’ll discuss the information you need to safely return to the country. At Urbina Immigration Law we

Can I arrange papers if I have a voluntary departure in the U.S.? Read More »

Family sponsorship limits: How many family members can I bring to the United States?

a cuántas personas puedo patrocinar

Thousands of families seeking to enter the United States encounter the same difficulty: in order to do so legally, they need a sponsor. Now, what are the requirements to become a sponsor? How many people can be sponsored? Today at Urbina Immigration Law we will look at all of these issues. Don’t tackle the complex

Family sponsorship limits: How many family members can I bring to the United States? Read More »

Family sibling petition: what you need to know as a U.S. citizen

un ciudadano americano puede pedir a un hermano

Many immigrants are reunited with their loved ones through the family reunification process. However, both this and its requirements may vary depending on the immigration status of the petitioner and the relationship with the beneficiary. Therefore, today we will talk about how a U.S. citizen can petition for a sibling. Requirements for the family petition

Family sibling petition: what you need to know as a U.S. citizen Read More »